Vakwerk Architecten

Vakwerk is the office of Ellen van der Wal, Francesco Veenstra and Paul Ketelaars. Vakwerk translates as ‘craftmanship’. At Vakwerk we design and realize a variety of projects that contribute to the public interest. We provide customization in all our projects. With a super team of thirty skilled Vakwerkers, we build projects that make a difference.

With our clients we share the desire to realize buildings that contribute to the well-being of people. We pay attention to people in the here and now, but are very much aware of future generations that will also benefit from decisions that are made during the process.

Vakwerk stands for craftsmanship

Vakwerk works with the principles of ownership, partnership and entrepreneurial spirit. The design and construction of a good building requires a good process. We use the design process to support transitions, facilitate improvements and change work processes. We offer inspiration by providing new insights, by listening and continuing to ask about the wishes and dreams of the stakeholders in each project.

Our attitude is based on involvement with the people that we work with and for. We identify ourselves with the client, the users and other stakeholders. By holding on to our task and endorsing the interests of others, we become a reliable partner.

We do not consider the assignment from our own perspective, but from the client’s perspective. Can things be done smarter, better, faster? These questions are often asked. We are committed to understanding what success means for all stakeholders: we want to know and understand when a project has really been successful for them. Delivering Vakwerk is – for us – a matter of course.

Contact details:

Vakwerk Architecten
Professor Snijderstraat 2
2628 RA Delft
The Netherlands